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Fax: +49 4531 17 62 – 44
Maintenance of tracks and switches by welding processing

In repair work, we are primarily the framework contract partner of DB Netz AG, Bahnbaugruppe (BBG), AKN and Hamburger Hochbahn AG.
In addition to repairing damage caused by accidents and welding work as part of rail changes after measurement runs, the main focus here is on the reconditioning of switches and rails by deposition welding, straightening and grinding work. Regular maintenance has thus proved to be highly economical, as the complete replacement of large switch parts can be significantly reduced.
In addition, we offer a combined winter service, in which the absorption and removal of rail defects can be combined with the already necessary snow and ice clearing work. In this way, double expenses are saved and it is ensured that the weather-related work is carried out by experts, a typical win-win situation conceived by THORMÄHLEN.
Deposition welding
During build-up welding, defects in rails and switches can be repaired by applying with an electrode and then grinding to match the profile. In this way, the large parts can be used much longer. Since the work can also be carried out in train breaks, a high availability of the net is ensured at the same time.

Straightening and grinding work
Grinding work is used to recondition rails and switches according to the profile, and we offer these services both as manual and mechanical grinding.

2-way grinding train SZ 2000: DB track, 12 grinding pots (up to 1,000 m/shift new layer grinding)
2-way rail grinding vehicle VM 8000: tracks and points on NE lines, 12 grinding cup wheels (up to 1,000 m/shift new layer grinding)
Rail grinding device AT 3389 G: DB track; 4 grinding cup wheels (up to 500m/shift new layer grinding);
Point grinding machine AT 3389 W: DB points, 2 grinding pots for punctual error correction
Corrugating grinding machine AT 1002 K60: Track and points on NE lines; in short breaks between track closures/train breaks
Manual grinding/straightening::
– Corrugated grinding
– Head-Check Grinding
– WITEC Grinding
– Deburring of rails and switches
– Elimination of height and directional errors
– grinding of movable frog tips
– Straightening and grinding of wheel guide rails
Since January 2014 we have had DB-approved profile grinding machines with electric or four-stroke engines.
The machines are suitable for:
– Elimination of head checks / corrugations
– rust cut
– Roller skin grinding (min. 0.3mm)
– Reprofiling of the rail head E 2-40 Profile
In addition, we offer you the logging of the measurements carried out:
– Measurement of the cross profile (DQM device)
– Measurement of the longitudinal profile with type RM 1200
– height ablation measurement
– SRQ – Teaching
The advantages of our machines:
+ Working in train breaks
+ significant cost advantages compared to a grinding train
What can we do for you? To the contact form.